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Plus & Minus Zero Alcohol Pinot Grigio

750 ml

Plus & Minus is a contemporary range of wines developed to be richer in antioxidants, minus the alcohol. These zero alcohol wines have been hand-made without the use of any artificial sweeteners but do see the addition of grape skin extract (GSE) during the winemaking process. This GSE is rich in naturally occurring antioxidants delivering more of those benefits that can already be found in red wine but without the alcohol. The Plus & Minus range of wines have been uniquely hand-crafted using only high-quality grapes from premium, dry-grown South Australian vineyards. This ensures the resultant wines remain vibrant and full-flavoured once the process of removing the
alcohol has been completed.


Tasting Note: On the nose it’s varietal and has aromas of pear, apple and citrus with a slight hint of floral characters. The palate is a burst of citrus underpinned by balanced sweetness and acidity. Try it chilled with a variety of seafood.

$NZ 14.99

14.99 VIP Points
Buy 6 bottles and get $NZ 85.44 discounted price.
Buy 12 bottles and get $NZ 166.39 discounted price.
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